Spring Cleansing Your Way to Wellness - The Energetic Body - Part 2/3

During the changing seasons, our body and spirit require equal considerations for a physical and energetic cleanse. Our bodies need the same maintenance we give to our cars as we send them off for scheduled upkeep.  In this post we will explain how to cleanse the energetic body (see previous post for tips on how to cleanse your physical body).

Who should do an energetic cleanse of their body?

The short answer is everyone!  A seasonal energetic cleanse is a powerful rebalancing tool especially if you are experiencing difficulties in some area of your life, be it physical, emotional or mental.  When conventional medicine cannot find the source of your unexplained symptoms of fatigue, mental fog, anxiety, restlessness or feeling uncomfortable in your body, you should consider an energetic cleanse.

What is the Energetic Body?

The human being is complex and there are many layers to being human and living as a human being on this physical plane.  In simple terms, we are made up of three bodies:  the physical body, the energetic body and the astral body.  For the purpose of this post, we will focus on the energetic body.  

The Energetic Body - The Chakras and Meridians

The energetic body is comprised of the seven major energy centers called Chakras and of the twelve Meridian Lines.  The Chakra System is an ancient metaphysical system that attempts to explain our multidimensional existence.   The Chakras (derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel) are spheres of energy located along the human spinal column.  It is through these centers of energy by which we receive, assimilate and transmit the life force energy that surrounds us.

Chakra System

The Meridian Line System has twelve meridian lines that run through the human body by which the body’s energy flows.  These lines are invisible, but according to Oriental philosophy, exist as surely and definable as the arteries and veins of the circulatory system.

Meridian Line System

The life force energy flows through these two systems, the Chakras and the Meridians, much like cars driving along a highway. As long as the energy, like the cars, flow freely, the body is balanced, harmonized and in tune. When this energy gets backed up, like traffic, everything is thrown off kilter causing stress, tension, anxiety and illness. 

How do you cleanse the Energetic Body?

Energy therapies help your body flush out the stagnant energies trapped over the long winter months.  At ArcoIrisRefined Massotherapies we specialize in pressure point therapies known specifically for their energetic cleansing properties.   You can book one of these techniques easily online today!
  1. Shiatsu:   Based on the meridian line network mapped by Traditional Chinese Medicine, pressure points along the meridians lines are pressed to get the energy flowing in areas where it is stagnating.  Shiatsu, is a holistic therapy that addresses, all at once, the body’s physical, emotional, mental and energetic systems. 
  2. Foot Reflexology:  Pressure point therapy applied to the feet.  Reflexology also works with the body’s own subtle energy flow that runs along the feet and which corresponds to every area, gland and organ of the body.  Palpating the energy zones of the feet can help balance and normalize the functions of different body parts.
  3. Reiki Energy Work:  Reiki is an ancient Tibetan relaxation technique using a subtle hands-on energy therapy which manipulates energy flow along the Chakra System. Reiki permits the practitioner to channel Universal Life Force Energy into the body to reduce stress and stimulate deep relaxation allowing the body to heal itself naturally.

Major Learning Points:

  • Our bodies need seasonal physical and energetic cleanses
  • We have three bodies:  the physical body, the energetic body and the astral body
  • The energetic body consist of the Chakra System and Meridian Line System
  • Energy flows through these two systems: the Chakras and the Meridians
  • When energy flow is stagnant in the body it may cause stress, tension, anxiety and illness
  • Energy work and pressure point therapies help your body flush out stagnant energies
  • Pressure point therapies such as Shiatsu, Foot Reflexology and Reiki Energy Work are known for their energetic cleansing properties
  • Book an energy cleanse session if you are having difficulty with unexplained symptoms of fatigue, mental fog, anxiety, restlessness or feeling uncomfortable in your body


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